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Almost rolling motion: An investigation of rolling grooved cylinders 

Lawrence R. Mead and Frank W. Bentrem 
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406-5046 
(Dated: Received 21 July 1997; accepted 12 September 1997) 

We examine the dynamics of cylinders that are grooved to form teeth for rolling motion down 
an inclined plane. The grooved cylinders are experimentally found to reach a terminal velocity. 
This result can be explained by the inclusion of inelastic processes which occur whenever a tooth 
hits the surface. The fraction of the angular velocity that is lost during an inelastic collision is 
phenomenologically found to be proportional to 2sin^ tv/N — asin'^ t^/N, and the method of least 
squares is used to find the constant a = 0.98. The adjusted theoretical results for the time of rolling 
as well as for terminal velocity are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results, 
(c) 1998 American Association of Physics Teachers. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. 
Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Association of Physics Teachers. 



A few years ago an article appeared in this journal^ 
which described how the fractal dimension of a randomly 
crumpled surface might be determined by roUing it down 
an inclined plane and measuring its moment of inertia 
/. In this paper, the claim is made that the moment of 
inertia of a hypersphere is given by 


where 7 is a constant that depends on the dimension of 
the hypersphere, M is its mass, and R is its radius. This 
conjecture was used to attempt to measure the fractal 
dimension of tightly crumpled aluminum foil balls. How- 
ever, it has been shown^ that this same sort of variation 
in the dynamically measured moment of inertia occurs 
with symmetrically grooved cylinders, such as the one 
depicted in Fig. [I] which are not fractals. 

These observations prompt one to ask to what extent 
the "almost rolling" motion of the grooved cylinders can 
be analyzed and understood. In particular, can the mo- 
tion of regular grooved cylinders be accurately described 
in any simple way by dynamics and conservation laws 
of basic physics? Furthermore, there does not seem to 
be any reference to this kind of "nearly rolling" motion 
in the physics literature. Advanced engineering texts?.!^ 
discuss rolling motion and contact, collisions, enmeshed 
gears, etc. However, the "rolling" of a "gear" or "slot- 
ted cylinder" does not seem to have been studied. This 
"rolling" motion of a grooved cylinder is similar to the 
motion of a smooth cylinder rolling on a rough surface. A 
rough surface tends to slow down a rolling smooth cylin- 
der and is considered part of rolling friction,* although 
the dynamics of this effect has not been well analyzed. 

In this paper, we report a study of the "nearly rolling" 
motion of regularly grooved cylinders down an incline of 
fixed angle. In Sec. II, the motion of such objects is an- 
alyzed using Lagrangian dynamics and making the sim- 
plifying assumption that no energy is dissipated by the 
"collisions" between the teeth and the inclined plane, but 
that the total energy of the cylinder is completely con- 
served. A recursive scheme is then derived for predicting 

how long a cylinder will take to roll a given, but vari- 
able, distance along an incline. Computer calculations 
yield predictions for these rolling times. In Sec. HI, ex- 
periments are described which were used to measure the 
rolling times and to compare with the theoretical pre- 
dictions. The results of the first of these measurements 
are in marked disagreement with the theoretical predic- 
tions, with the assumption that the "collisions" are com- 
pletely elastic. Indeed, the experimental data show that 
the cylinders reach terminal velocity, in contrast to the 
theoretical predictions. 

A more precise theoretical model of this "near rolling" 
motion is then presented in Sec. IV, which allows for 
inelastic processes to occur as the cylinder "rolls." Pre- 
dictions of this modified theory for the measured rolling 
times and terminal velocities are remarkably accurate. 


Our problem consists of calculating the time it takes 
for a grooved cylinder to rotate about one tooth as it is 
rolling down an inclined plane. This section contains a 
discussion of the dynamics for this motion and a deriva- 
tion of an expression for the time of rolling. 

A. Rotational kinetic energy 

We will make the assumption that the grooved cylinder 
is rolling without slipping, i.e., the single pivot point, P in 
Fig. 2, does not slide. So as shown in Fig. 2, the cylinder 
will simply pivot about each tooth at the point P until 
the next tooth comes in contact with the inclined plane. 
In Fig. 2, -0 is the elevation angle of the incline and 9 is 
the angle through which the center of mass has rotated 
starting from a vertical position. The kinetic energy T of 
the rolling grooved cylinder is entirely rotational (about 
P) and is given by 





FIG. 1: A grooved cylinder with N = 6 teeth. 

FIG. 2: A grooved cylinder with N = 6 teeth. 

where Ip is the moment of inertia of the grooved cyhnder 
about the edge of the tooth in contact with the inchned 
plane (point P), and 6 is the angular velocity about P. 

B. Time of rolling of the grooved cylinder 

Using the parallel axis theorem, Eq. (2) becomes 


where M is the mass of the grooved cylinder, R is the 
outer radius (i.e., the distance from the center of mass 

to the edge of a tooth) . and /cm is its moment of inertia 
about an axis through the center of mass. If we take 

the potential energy to be zero when is zero, then the 
potential energy U can be expressed as 

U = Mgh = MgR{cos0 - 1), 


using the fact that the change in height h of the center 
of mass as a function oi 9 is h = R{cos9 — 1). So the 
Lagrangian L is 

L = i (Mi?2 + J,^) + MgR{l - cos 0). (5) 

For our problem Lagrange's equation is 

d_dL _dL_^ 
di~d0 ~ '80 ~ ' 

We can solve Lagrange's equation to obtain the result 

•• MgRsm9 


Mi?2 + 7c„' 


where 9 is the angular acceleration about point P. Mul- 
tiplying both sides of Eq. (7) by ^ and integrating over 
time leads to 



where C is the integration constant and ^ is defined as 
2MgR/{MR'^ + /cm). This is a separable differential 
equation and can be solved to find the time t it takes 
for the grooved cylinder to rotate about a given tooth, 
starting at the instant the previous tooth leaves the sur- 
face of the inclined plane and ending with the instant the 
next tooth strikes the surface. The result is 





where 0o is the initial value for the angle and ^/ is the 
final angle. This is an elliptic integral and must be eval- 
uated numerically. We find by geometry that the initial 
and final angles are ip + w/N and tjj — n/N, respectively, 
where tjj is the elevation angle of the inclined plane (see 
Fig. 3). So we have 


^-tt/at \/C - C cos ( 


To solve for the integration constant, evaluate Eq. (8) at 
t = Q and rearrange it to give 

C = (Jo + ^ cos - ^) , 


where we have used the initial condition that 0^] is the 
initial angular velocity wq when = ^ — tt/N. Similarly, 
we know that 9 is the final angular velocity u)f when 
9 = tp + n/N, so that Eq. (8) becomes 

u;} = C = icos (V' + ^)- 



FIG. 3: The initial and final angles for rotation about a tooth. 

Since for the moment we assume no loss of kinetic en- 
ergy from the teeth striking the inchnc, the final angular 
velocity for the rotation about one tooth is the initial 
angular velocity for the rotation about the next tooth. 
Substitute Eq. (12) into Eq. (11) and rearrange to get 
the recursion relation 

Cfc = Ck-i + ^ 


TT \ 

+ n) 


where Ck is the integration constant for the fcth rotation 
about a tooth and Ck-i is the integration constant for the 
k — 1th rotation. We can determine Ci by substituting 
into Eq. (11) the value of the initial angular velocity 
for t = 0. 

The total time r it takes for the grooved cylinder to roll 

a given distance is just the sum over the time integrals 
from Eq. (10) for each rotation about a tooth. We write 



where n is the total number of rotations and tk is the time 
integral for the fcth rotation. It can be seen by geometry 

n = 



where L is the distance traveled along the inclined plane. 

We need n to be an integer so the greatest integer func- 
tion is used to eliminate any partial rotation at the end 
of the track. So we are left with the computation of 

■^{J^P-n/N VCfc - ^ COS 6* 

for the total time, where Ck is given by Eq. (13). 


C. Moment of inertia 

The moment of inertia about the center of mass 7cm is 
calculated by breaking up the grooved cylinder into tri- 
angles as shown in Fig. 4 and performing the integration 
over each triangle and summing, so that 


^ Ip dx 

dy (x 



all A's 

where I is the length of the cylinder and p is the volume 
density. The volume density is defined as the mass per 
unit volume, so we find that 


P = 



where r is the distance from the center of mass to the 
inside cut of the grooves (see Fig. 1). So Eq. (17) becomes 

x-^ M 

^ NrR sm(Tr/N) 

all A's \ I ) 

j dx j dy{x''+y^). (19) 

The result for the moment of inertia is 

Mr^ cos(7r/iV) / 2tt 
/cm= 2 + cos- 


r2 sin2(7r/iV) 

R{R-rcos{Tr/N)) i 3(i? - r cos(7r/iV))2 
E3(i? = .cos^)-^(i?^-r^cos^^) 

R{R^ -r"^ cos^ 






4 4 

r cos 

4 4 

r cos 




That this result for /cm yields the correct value of \MR? 
for a smooth cylinder can be verified by taking iV — > oo 
and then setting r = R. Notice that when we substitute 
Eq. (20) into Eq. (16) the mass cancels out [substitute 
Eq. (20) into So the time of rolling is independent of 
the mass of the grooved cylinder just as it is for a perfect 

D. Computer model 

A computer program was written to numerically eval- 
uate the integrals in Eq. (16). The first term in the sum 
in Eq. (16) contains Ci , which can be calculated from 
Eq. (11) for an initial angular velocity. If the grooved 
cylinder is started from rest with two teeth in contact 
with the surface, then there is some critical angle of el- 
evation ipc below which the cylinder will not roll. This 
critical angle depends on the number of teeth and is given 






FIG. 4: A grooved cylinder divided into triangles for the pur- 
pose of calculating the moment of inertia. 

To ensure that all the grooved cylinders will be able to 
roll, we let the initial angular velocity be the angular ve- 
locity that the cylinder would have if it started from rest 
at a balance point 9 = i). This corresponds to balancing 
a grooved cylinder and starting the timer when the first 
tooth strikes the surface of the inclined plane. We use 
conservation of energy 

AT = -AU (22) 

to find the angular velocity, where AT is the change in 
kinetic energy and AU is the change in potential energy. 

We have 

i (Mi?2 + /,„) _ ^ MgR{cos9i - cos Of) , 


where 9i and 9 / are the initial and final angular velocities, 
and 9i and 9f are the initial and final angles, respectively. 
The final angle and final angular velocity correspond to 
the instant the timer is started. So we can use the final 
angular velocity as the initial angular velocity for the 
rotation about the first tooth. Now Eq. (11) is used to 
find the first integration constant Ci. All of the other 
integration constants can be found by using the recursion 
relation given by Eq. (13). We now have everything that 
we need in order to compute the time of rolling for a 
given grooved cylinder rolling a prescribed distance down 
an inclined plane. The computer model can be easily 
verified with a smooth cylinder simulation, i.e., take a 
large value for N and take r R. (We cannot have 
r = R because this would lead to division by zero in the 
calculation of the moment of inertia). If we let a smooth 
cylinder roll a distance of 27r cm at an elevation angle of 
30°, we find the analytical value for the time of rolling 
to be 0.196 134 s. For the computer calculation we use 
the values i? = 1 cm, r = 0.999 999 99 cm, TV = 100000 

TABLE I: Intrinsic data for the grooved cylinders. 



R (cm) 

r (cm) 

/cm ( g cm^) 


























teeth, and L = 2t:R = 6.283 185 cm. The numerically 
computed value for the time of rolling is 0.196 123 s, 
which is accurate to five digits. 


Several grooved cylinders with various numbers of 
teeth were needed in order to find out how the number of 
teeth affects the rolling motion. We used five solid alu- 
minum cylinders which had been cut to have 12, 18, 30, 
45, and 60 teeth. Table I records the mass, inside and 
outside radii, and moment of inertia for these grooved 
cylinders. The moment of inertia was calculated using 
Eq. (20). The grooved cylinders were 2.000 cm long and 
had an outside radius R of 1.000 cm. The rolling surface 
used was a sheet of Plexiglas, which was rigidly attached 
to a thick flat board. The elevation angle for this exper- 
iment was set a.t ip = 1.39 ± 0.02°. An elevation angle 
that is too small (i.e., less than 1°) prevents the 12-tooth 
cylinder from proceeding down the inclined plane when 
released from rest. On the other hand, if an angle greater 
than about 3° is used, the support points for the cylin- 
ders can actually leave the surface due to bouncing. 

In order to measure the time of rolling a model ME- 
9215A Pasco Scientific Photogate Timer with Memory 
was attached to the board with one photogate positioned 
at the point where the cylinders would start to roll and 
another photogate whose position could be adjusted in 
10-cm increments to a given distance from the first pho- 
togate. The exact distance between the photogate beams 
can be obtained by sliding a strip of cardboard along 
the incline until it "trips" the first photogate and mark- 
ing this position. Sliding the cardboard further until it 
"trips" the second photogate and marking this position 
allows one to measure the distance between the marks, 
which is the distance between the photogate beams. 

It was observed that the rolling grooved cylinders 
would eventually reach terminal velocity. A microphone 
was plugged into a model 54600A 100-MHz, two-channel 
HewlettPackard digital oscilloscope with memory in or- 
der to pick up the clicking sound of the teeth of the rolling 
grooved cylinders as they hit the Plexiglas surface. Each 
click of a tooth created a spike on the oscilloscope. At 
terminal velocity the clicking sound had a constant fre- 
quency, which yielded a constant spacing between spikes 
on the oscilloscope. The grooved cylinders were rolled a 


TABLE II: Time for rolling 80 cm (energy conservation 
model) . 

No. Teeth 

Theoretical time (s) 

Measured time (s) 


2.74 ± 0.12 

10.40 ± 0.07 


2.86 ±0.08 

7.29 ± 0.05 


2.95 ±0.08 

5.70 ± 0.03 


3.01 ± 0.06 

5.00 ± 0.03 


3.05 ± 0.06 

4.57 ±0.08 

given distance at which point the screen on the oscillo- 
scope was frozen. Two vertical cursors were positioned 
on the peaks of two distinct spikes. The oscilloscope in- 
dicated the period between the two cursors. The period 
was divided by the distance between the teeth to get the 
velocity. This method for measuring the velocity of the 
rolling cylinders worked quite well for the 12-, 18-, and 
30-toothed cylinders. However, when this technique was 
employed for the 45- and 60-toothed cylinders, it was 
difficult to separate the impact signal from the noise and 
echoes. In order to measure the terminal velocity for 
these cylinders two photogates were placed about 10-cm 
apart at the place the velocity was to be measured. The 
photogates would measure the time it took for the cylin- 
ders to roll from one gate to the other. The distance 
between the photogates divided by the time was the ve- 
locity. That the cylinders reached terminal velocity was 
verified by measuring the velocities at different rolling 

In the first part of the experiment the time was mea- 
sured for the grooved cylinders to roll 80.02 cm. Each 
cylinder was given five trials. The difficulty in this ex- 
periment was in rolling the cylinders through the narrow 
photogates (6.6 cm wide). These times are compared 
in Table II with the times predicted from the computer 
program based on the Lagrangian mechanics. As one can 
plainly see, there is little agreement between the theoret- 
ical and experimental values. The time values are clos- 
est for the 60-toothed cylinder. As the number of teeth 
is decreased, the theoretical values slowly decrease but 
the experimental values increase significantly. In fact, 
the cylinders were observed to reach a terminal velocity 
which was lower not higher -for fewer teeth. 

The standard deviation is given as the estimated error 
for the measured times. Errors in the theoretical times 
are due to the uncertainty in the elevation angle and the 
final rotation about the last tooth and will be discussed 

the loss of kinetic energy caused by the teeth striking 
the surface of the inclined plane is negligible. The first 
assumption is justified by the small angle of elevation; 
therefore, the loss of kinetic energy caused by the inelas- 
tic collisions apparently cannot be neglected. 

A. Angular momentum model 

In retrospect, that the collisions are inelastic should 
not be surprising since each tooth strikes the surface and 
then does not rebound but stays at that point to act 
as a pivot. The duration of the collision extends from 
the moment a tooth strikes the surface to the moment 
the previous tooth lifts off the surface. Conservation of 
angular momentum can be used to find out how much 
energy is lost in these collisions; for now we will assume 
an instantaneous collision. Choose a point on the incline 
where the front tooth is about to hit (just before the col- 
lision) as the origin. In general, the angular momentum 
L of the cylinder about that point is 

L = mr X Vcm + /cmW, 


where m is the mass of the cylinder, r is the position of 
the center of mass relative to that origin, and u) is the 
angular velocity about the center of mass. We note with 
the aid of Fig. 5 that the initial velocity vector, which 
has the magnitude Vi = ROi, makes angle 7r/2 — 27r/7V 
with Tj. Thus the initial angular momentum just before 
the collision is 



MR cos ( — 

+ /c> 


Similarly, the angle between v/ and r is 90° just after 
the collision; hence. 

Lf = {MR^+I,^) Of. 


In either case, v = R9. By conservation of angular mo- 
mentum we equate Eqs. (25) and (26) and rearrange so 

2 2 TT 

sm — 

+ X N 


where x is defined as /cm/ {MR^^. The initial angular 

velocity 9i just before the collision is the final angular 
velocity 6f after the partial rotation given by Eq. (12). 
So upon substitution we get 


In constructing the theoretical model of Sec. II, two 

assumptions were used: that the cylinders are rotating 
about their point of support without slipping and that 

sm — 

1 + X N 

C — ^ cos 

(^ + ^)], (28) 

where ^ has been defined previously to be 
2MgR/ (MR"^ + Icm)- Since the final angular ve- 
locity 6f for a rotation about one tooth is the initial 


TABLE III: Time for rolling 80 cm (angular momentum 
model) . 

No. Teeth 

Theoretical time (s) 

Measured time (s) 


11.58 ±0.19 

10.40 ± 0.07 


7.72 ±0.10 

7.29 ± 0.05 


5.95 ±0.09 

5.70 ± 0.03 


5.09 ± 0.07 

5.00 ± 0.03 


4.64 ± 0.07 

4.57 ± 0.08 

angular velocity for the rotation about the next tooth, 
Eq. (11) becomes 


sin — 

1 + X N 

Ck-i - ^cos 


Using this recursion relation in the computer program to 
find the integration constant yields the results given in 
Table III. 

B. Model with finite-time collisions 

These results are somewhat better than the previous 
calculations. However, since we really do not have in- 
stantaneous collisions some angular momentum must be 
added back to the cylinder after each collision due to a net 
external torque which acts over a small but finite period 
of time. During this time the surface of the inclined plane 
is slightly deformed at the point of contact for both teeth, 
as depicted in Fig. 6. The teeth themselves can also be 
deformed. Figure 6 shows the relevant forces that cause 
the net torque about the center of mass. The forces la- 
beled A^i and N2 are normal forces, and those labeled /i 

and /2 are due to friction. Without knowing the detailed 
dynamics of the collision it is natural to try to find a 
phenomenological term that adds the correct amount to 
the angular momentum. 

If an additive term can be found which fits the mea- 
surements for 80-cm rolling times, then using this addi- 
tive term we can compare the theoretical and measured 
results for the time of rolling at different lengths and ter- 
minal velocity. The 80-cm rolling times were chosen for 
the fit because of the relatively low errors in the mea- 
sured times. A good fit was obtained using a term that 
is proportional to sin^(7r/A^). The proportionality con- 
stant a was found by using the method of least squares 
to be a = 0.98 ± 0.05. Equation (27) becomes 



■ sin 


1+X N 1+x 

■ sm 




This leads to the new recursion relation for the integra- 
tion constant 

1 - 

sm — + sm — 

1+X ^ 1+X N 

Cfe_i-^cos(v + ^) +Ccos(V-^) 


Table IV compares the theoretical and measured rolling 
times for 80 cm using this additional angular momentum 

An accurate description of the "rolling" motion of 
grooved cylinders, in addition to predicting rolling times, 
should be able to predict the terminal velocities of the 
cylinders. Experiment showed that each of our grooved 
cylinders had reached terminal velocity after rolling 60 
cm. The velocities of the cylinders were measured af- 
ter rolling 115 cm and, taking an average over ten trials, 
were compared to the predictions from our modified the- 
ory. Table V lists these values. 


TABLE IV: Time for rolling 80 cm (model with finite-time 
collisions) . 

No. Teeth Theoretical time (s) 


10.35 ±0.19 
7.40 ±0.12 
5.84 ±0.11 
5.04 ± 0.09 
4.61 ± 0.08 

Measured time (s) 

10.40 ± 0.07 
7.29 ± 0.05 
5.70 ±0.03 
5.00 ±0.03 
4.57 ±0.08 

TABLE VII: Theoretical rolling times at various lengths. 
No. Teeth 20 cm (s) 40 cm (s) 60 cm (s) 80 cm (s) 

12 2.77 ±0.12 5.32 ±0.13 

18 2.14 ±0.10 3.91 ±0.10 

30 1.88 ±0.10 3.21 ±0.10 

45 1.78 ±0.08 2.89 ±0.09 

60 1.73 ±0.07 2.73 ±0.07 

7.80 ±0.15 10.35 ±0.17 

5.64 ±0.11 7.40 ±0.12 

4.53 ±0.10 5.84 ±0.09 

3.97 ±0.09 5.04 ±0.07 

3.68 ±0.07 4.61 ±0.07 

TABLE V: Terminal velocity. 

No. Teeth 

Theoretical velocity 


Measured velocity 


7.92 ±0.10 

8.08 ±0.26 


11.43 ± 0.10 

11.78 ± 0.42 


15.23 ±0.12 

15.25 ±0.10 


18.67 ±0.14 

18.46 ±0.15 


21.52 ±0.16 

21.57 ±0.24 

Rolling times were measured for several different 
lengths. The results are given in Table VI. Table VII 
contains the predicted rolling times for the lengths used 
in Table VI. These predictions come from the modified 
theory which includes inelastic processes. The propor- 
tionality constant a = 0.98 comes from the least-squares 
best fit to the 80-cm rolling times. The agreement be- 
tween the measured and predicted results is remarkable 
considering we used only a single best-fit parameter. The 
only measured value which did not fall within the error 
estimates of the predicted value is the 40-cm rolling time 
for the 12-toothed cylinder; the most difficult case from 
which to obtain reliable results. 


We found that the "rolling" motion of a symmetrically 
grooved cylinder can be accurately described by assuming 
that the cylinder rotates about each tooth without slip- 
ping. Angular momentum is nearly conserved during the 
collision, however, inelastic processes cause a net torque 
to act on the cylinder over a small but finite period of 
collision time. (Recall that the collision period extends 

TABLE VI: Measured rolling times at various lengths. 
No. Teeth 20 cm (s) 40 cm (s) 60 cm (s) 80 cm (s) 

12 2.98 ±0.09 5.60 ±0.05 ~7? 10.40 ± 0.07 

18 2.19 ± 0.05 3.93 ±0.05 ...^ 7.29 ± 0.05 

30 1.95 ± 0.05 3.19 ±0.02 4.53 ± 0.06 5.70 ±0.03 

45 1.82 ±0.08 2.89 ±0.05 4.02 ± 0.06 5.00 ± 0.03 

60 1.76 ± 0.04 2.75 ±0.04 3.75 ±0.11 4.57 ± 0.08 

from the moment the tooth comes in contact with the 
inclined plane to the moment the previous tooth lifts off 
the plane.) 

The time it takes a grooved cylinder to "roll" a distance 
L along an incline with an elevation angle i]} is given by 
Eqs. (15) and (16). The integration constant in Eq. (16) 
is given by Eq. (31), where the proportionality constant 
a was found to be 0.98 ± 0.05 using a least-squares best 
fit to the 80-cm rolling times. 

This constant probably depends on the coefficient of 
restitution of the cylinders on the incline. The constant a 
may also depend on the elevation angle, mass and radii of 
the grooved cylinders, and elasticity (leading to bending 
moments) of the cylinders and the inclined plane. 

The estimated errors given for the measured rolling 
times and terminal velocities are the standard deviations 
of the measurements. The estimated theoretical errors 
come from two sources. The first error source is the un- 
certainty in the elevation angle. The angle was measured 
to an accuracy within 0.02°. The amount of error from 
this source was estimated by using this variation in the 
computer program (1.37° instead of 1.39°) and finding 
the difference from the originally computed value. An- 
other significant error source comes from not having a 
complete final rotation about the last tooth. The cylin- 
der "trips" the final timing gate before the final rotation 
is complete. The predicted times include half of the time 
it takes to make the final rotation which is also the esti- 
mated error from this source. 

Additional error comes from the cylinder's tendency 
to travel in a slightly curved path. This tendency would 
clearly result in measured times which are longer than 
for the assumed straight line path. One final source of 
error comes from the uncertainty in the initial angle and 
the initial angular velocity of the grooved cylinders. The 
cylinders were released from a vertical balanced position 
and "tripped" the initial timing gate just after release. 
It was assumed that the timer started after the cylinder 
had rotated 0.5°. The amount of error from the latter two 
sources is not likely to be large and would be difficult to 

Future study on "rolling" motion of grooved cylinders 
could focus on determining how the proportionality con- 
stant a depends on the various parameters mentioned 
above. Grooved cylinders that are not symmetrical would 
also be interesting to study. Finally, spheres that are 
"grooved" in three dimensions such as tightly crumpled 


aluminum foil balls could be investigated. This could 
contribute to a better understanding of rolling friction 
caused by surface roughness. 


Special thanks go to Dr. Raymond Folse and 
Glen Messer for their valuable insight and suggestions 

throughout the experimental phase. Cooperation from 
the School of Engineering Technology of the University of 
Southern Mississippi in providing a digital oscilloscope is 
much appreciated. Finally, we would like to express grat- 
itude for the funds received from the College of Science 
and Technology (USM) for manufacturing the grooved 

^ F. F. Lima, V. M. Olivcira, and M. A. F. Gomes, "A 
Galilean experiment to measure a fractal dimension," Am. 
J. Phys. 61, 421-422 (1993). 

^ L. R. Mead, R. F. Folse, and A. Cole, "Rolling motion and 
crumpled surfaces," Am. J. Phys. 63, 746-749 (1995). 

^ K. L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics (Cambridge U.P., Cam- 
bridge, 1985), pp. 242-311. 

" C. E. Wilson, J. P. Sadler, and W. J. Michels, Kinematics 

and Dynamics of Machinery (Harper & Row, New York, 
1983), pp. 355-385. 
® No data are available for 60-cm rolling times for the cylin- 
ders with 12 and 18 teeth because of the problem of rolling 
these cylinders through the narrow timing gates. The 80-cm 
rolling times were obtained with great difficulty.